Old photo of a vacation cottage in waterboro, maine
I’m participating in Classy in Philadelphia’s Where In The World Wednesday! The idea of WITWW is to post a picture of you someplace in the world…it doesn’t have to be somewhere foreign or tropical. Just a picture of you somewhere you consider traveling. After reunification, the German government quickly sold off portions of the Berlin […]
A long time ago, before hockey and skating, Catholic school, college and real life, my family spent weekends in Maine. I remember Fourth of July, sitting on the deck at night overlooking the lake. My parents and their friends laughing and talking, everyone enjoying lobster and corn on the cob, and my sister Jenny and […]
I made a great friend at my first job after college, Amy. Our contrasting personalities meshed in the best way instead of clashed, we took fun lunches, enjoyed wine on workdays and even partook in sophisticated tastings. We effortlessly broke out of the awkward binds of the traditional work-friendship and we even started doing double […]
On Saturday, Mike and I took a long overdue trip to York, Maine to hang out with friends we hadn’t seen in a long time. It was so fun. And, it got me wishing I lived closer to the ocean.
Each winter Carrabassett Valley, Maine is flooded with avid skiers headed to enjoy the slopes of Sugarloaf Mountain, one of the top ski destinations in New England. Every April, for one weekend, the winding roads leading to Sugarloaf are planted with signs welcoming visitors to the annual Reggae Fest. Last weekend, Mike and I joined […]
…at the end of this month. I will be out of the office for 6 whole days and while I made an effort to cram in a trip to Stockholm and even looked up flights to Costa Rica to possibly reconnect with my friend Sue, my anniversary date loomed over my head, reminding me that […]
Our drive to Portland for our girls weekend included a stop at the Kittery Outlets (I made out with a cute dress and work pants) so by the time we arrived – we were starving. Our first stop was Bull Feeney’s on Fore Street. My hunger got the best of me when I didn’t even […]