we’re glad you’re here!

Friday, March 19th, 2010

saint patrick’s day, saint paddy’s day,

where in the world wednesday: victoria cross

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

where in the world wednesday blog post on saint patrick’s day about study abroad in cork ireland

where in the world wednesday, cork

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

I’m participating in Classy in Philadelphia’s Where In The World Wednesday! The idea of WITWW is to post a picture of you someplace in the world…it doesn’t have to be somewhere foreign or tropical. Just a picture of you somewhere you consider traveling. Once upon a time I lived in Ireland. I walked everywhere.

my route

Monday, October 5th, 2009

The River Lee in Cork, Ireland pretty much begs you to run beside it. It is wide in some parts, narrow in others, and it winds through the city into the outskirts of town, disappearing in the trees and farms that make up the city’s suburbs. I used to run on that river almost every […]

full circle

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

When I studied abroad, I frequented a bar called the Thirsty Scholar in Cork. They had these tall, wooden barrels in the back that almost served as decoration. [Taken with a camera from the 80’s] Today, I frequent a bar called the Thirsty Scholar in Somerville. They have these tall barrels that stand on their […]

our travels…

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

It seems like only yesterday I cornered Mike into taking me out on a date to see The Blair Witch Project after spending a whole summer really starting to like him. He picked me up, we awkwardly sat through a horrible movie and then he took me out for coffee at Dunkin Donuts before taking me home. A typical date […]

a small world

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

A couple of weekends ago I spent an afternoon at a little place in Brighton called Devlins, where I had dinner and drinks with Bryce, Lisa and my sister. It was the day that it rained like crazy in increments and in between the pours it was sunny and warm. One of the downpours pushed […]

when music takes you places

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

Every single time I hear Mr. Jones by the Counting Crows, I am back in Ireland– in a pub. The same goes for Hey Ya by Outkast and Shut up by the Black Eyed Peas. Those three songs were quite popular there back in 2004. When I hear Skylarking by Mic Christopher, I am sitting […]