When traveling, the key to unearthing a place’s culture is often found in its food – when you avoid restaurants with menus that even attempt to cater to tourists, sip wine from local grapes and drink beer brewed with local hops. Sometimes, it’s even taking the extra step to visit a market to really live, breath – and eat – […]
Archive for the 'everyday adventures' Category
Today my yoga teacher laid out an analogy that made me think intellectually for the first time in a while, probably because these days, yoga – the third class I’ve been to in maybe a year – is the only time I have no choice but to think of nothing but the present. She told […]
Mike and I set off on a new adventure more than a year ago thanks to a generous Christmas gift from my brother-in-law, Bill: a brew kit. Our first foray into brewing – which entailed me following Mike around the kitchen with my camera as he did all the work – was a complete success. […]
This post – my first in ages – was started and stopped many times over the last several months. That’s because I had a baby. My sweet little Madeleine is about 4 months old now. It’s become clear that all of the adventures I’ve had to date were leading up to this point – this is […]
If I had to sum up the last several, mostly blogless, months I couldn’t. Suffice it to say, my adventures have kept me close to home, but they’ve been filled with plenty of milestones, little jaunts and explorations. For starters, my beautiful nephew turned one and in true Forshner fashion, made us proud by devouring […]
Summer strikes with a vengeance pouring nearly 100 degrees over the region, and suddenly, you long for days like this… That’s the thing about New Englanders. We live here because we love having all four seasons, but the second one of them hits us too hard we’re either yearning for the next one or […]
Half moon is a yoga pose that has, say, your left hand reaching for the floor as the other extends toward the sky. Meanwhile, your left leg is planted on the ground while the other lifts up and points to the wall behind you. It’s a pose that doesn’t come too hard for me at first, […]
Many areas of New England saw as much as three feet of snow as the record-breaking blizzard, known as Nemo, pummeled the region. Like most New Englanders, that left Mike and I cooped up in our house, until cabin fever got the best of us. In case you haven’t seen enough photos of this epic […]