Archive for December, 2011

commit to travel

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

 Mike and I experienced some significant milestones over the last year and a half. We got married and then we bought a house. While we’re making decisions that tend to more physically ground one to a single place, to me that just means we’ll have to be even more disciplined about keeping travel at the top of the list. Yes, as we continue […]

feliz navidad

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

Flying through the streets of San Salvador on a bus – that was once used to take U.S. children to school – you’ll most certainly be approached by someone trying to sell you something, anything. When I traveled to El Salvador back in December of 2008, just one time, I decided to make a purchase…   […]

in halifax, it’s all about the hops

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

I don’t visit a new city without tasting its beers. Beyond experiencing the local flavors, beer can teach you a lot about a place. During our road trip through Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, we had a hard time finding a full-bodied ale until we got to Halifax. Mike and I resorted to ordering […]

news and a giveaway winner

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

I have news. Mike and I bought a house. We spent last weekend painting, cleaning and lugging boxes – with the help of family and friends – hence my lack of activity here. We’re not quite settled, but we’ve made a good effort. We got a Christmas Tree, which is something that I’ve been dying […]

on location tours comes to boston, a giveaway

Monday, December 5th, 2011

It’s that time of year when travel planning, at least for me, tends to slow down simply because from here through January all of my weekends, and most weeknights, are booked. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not forgetting about travel. My girls weekend crew and I are plotting our next move and Mike and I […]

boston common tree lighting ceremony, a gift from nova scotia

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

For the last 40 years Nova Scotia has given a Christmas tree to Boston to say thanks for the help it delivered following the Halifax Explosion on December 6, 1917. Relief from Boston was the first to arrive the day after the devastating explosion and they were the last to leave. I attended the Boston Common Tree Lighting Ceremony for […]